Nauka a religia. Historiografia problemu. Ewolucja poglądów na temat historycznych związków religii i nauki


Jacek Kwaśniewski


The article shows the evolution of historians’ and sociologists’ views in 1874-2010 period how the historical relations between science and religion should be presented. The key theories have been discussed which are the milestones in this evolution: from 19th century Draper’s and White’s works which formed the so called conflict thesis to the present complexity thesis, which recognizes the religion as significant co-originator of modern science.


Jak cytować
Kwaśniewski, J. (2011). Nauka a religia. Historiografia problemu. Ewolucja poglądów na temat historycznych związków religii i nauki. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce, (49), 149–187. Pobrano z


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